Tag Archives: feto

Report of Sabah Daily

Incident Information  Date of Incident: January 30, 2023 Location of Incident: Turkey Identifying information of Perpetrator: Sabah Daily  Source: https://www.sabah.com.tr/gundem/2023/01/30/6li-masa-mutabakatta-fetoyu-de-unutmadi-khklilar-gorevlerine-iade-edilecek?paging=3 Hate Speech Analysis Transcription of hate speech statement: 6’lı masa mutabakatta ”FETÖ”yü de unutmadı: KHK’lılar görevlerine iade edilecek. ( Free Translation : The 6-party table did not forget ”FETO” in the agreement: Those with KHK➜

News of Sabah Newspaper

Incident Information  Date of Incident: January 27, 2023 Location of Incident: Germany Identifying information of Perpetrator: Abdurrahman Şimşek and Sabah Newspaper  Source: https://www.sabah.com.tr/galeri/gundem/son-dakika-iste-fetonun-din-bozguncusu-sabah-celal-findiki-buldu  Hate Speech Analysis Transcription of hate speech statement: Since the text of the report is very long and written in an extremely defamatory tone, only the words in the text that are➜

Köksal Kuş’s Statement

Incident Information  Date of Incident: January 21, 2023 Location of Incident: Duisburg, Germany Identifying information of Perpetrator: Köksal Kuş, Union of European Democrats (UID) Chairman  Source: https://kronos36.news/tr/akpnin-avrupa-kolunun-baskani-koksal-kus-almanyanin-teror-orgutu-tanimamasi-bir-sey-ifade-etmez/  Photograph of the Incident: Hate Speech Analysis Transcription of hate speech statement: “The fact that they [Germany] do not recognize FETÖ members does not mean much to us…➜

Mevlut Cavusoglu’s Statement

Incident Information  Date of Incident: January 20, 2023 Location of Incident: Houston, Texas, United States Identifying information of Perpetrator: Mevlut Cavusoglu, Turkish Foreign Minister Source: https://www.trtworld.com/americas/türkiye-expects-us-to-extradite-feto-terrorists-cavusoglu-64687  Hate Speech Analysis Transcription of hate speech statement: “I hope the United States will also extradite” [FETO members] and “The FBI told us that they saw the dark side➜

Report of Sabah Newspaper

Incident Information  Date of Incident: January 18, 2023 Location of Incident: Turkey Identifying information of Perpetrator: Sabah Newspaper Source: https://www.sabah.com.tr/gundem/2023/01/18/disislerindeki-kripto-fetoculer-temizlendi  Hate Speech Analysis Transcription of hate speech statement: “Foreign Ministry cleansed of crypto ”FETÖ” members. Nine of the 12 suspects for whom detention warrants were issued in the investigation against ”FETÖ”s intimate organization in the➜

AKP MP Mustafa Açıkgöz’s Statement

Incident Information  Date of Incident: 16 January, 2023 Location of Incident: Germany Identifying information of Perpetrator: Mustafa Açıkgöz, MP of AKP, Nevşehir  Source: https://www.inspiredminds.de/tr/akpli-vekilin-almanyadaki-konu%C5%9Fmas%C4%B1-tepkilere-yol-a%C3%A7t%C4%B1/a-64403966  Photograph of the Incident: Hate Speech Analysis Transcription of hate speech statement: “Just as we do not give them the right to live in Turkey, we will not give them the➜

Report of the Sözcü Newspaper

Incident Information  Date of Incident: January 16, 2023 Location of Incident: Turkey Identifying information of Perpetrator: Özgür CEBE, Sözcü Newspaper, The Ministry of Interior of Turkey Source: https://www.sozcu.com.tr/2023/gundem/fetonun-medya-yapilanmasi-icin-iade-talebi-listeye-alindilar-7557964/  Photograph of the Incident: Hate Speech Analysis Transcription of hate speech statement: “The Ministry of Interior also included these names in FETÖ’s media structure on the list➜

Nedim Şener’s Article

Incident Information  Date of Incident: January 16th, 2023 Location of Incident: Turkey Identifying information of Perpetrator: Nedim Sener, journalist Source: https://www.hurriyet.com.tr/yazarlar/nedim-sener/feto-parlatmasi-chpli-ozgur-ozel-42204470  Hate Speech Analysis Transcription of hate speech statement: “The stones are slowly falling into place: At a press conference held at the Grand National Assembly of Turkey on 28-29-30 September 2022, Özgür Özel of➜

İbrahim Karagül’s Twitter Post

Incident Information  Date of Incident: January 15th, 2023 Location of Incident: Turkey Identifying information of Perpetrator: Ibrahim Karagül, Journalist Source: https://twitter.com/ibrahimkaragul/status/1614688074344337408, https://www.trhaber.com/gundem/fren-ali-ile-michael-rubin-ayni-haritada-bulustu-turk-siha-larindan-h83594.html  Photograph of the Incident: Hate Speech Analysis Transcription of hate speech statement: “Michael Rubin is a notorious enemy who works with the Israeli far right and ”FETÖ” and calls for a coup in➜

Devlet Bahçeli’s Statement

Incident Information  Date of Incident: January 15th, 2023 Location of Incident: Kızılcahamam, Turkey Identifying information of Perpetrator: Devlet Bahçeli, Chairman of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) (Turkey) Source: https://www.aa.com.tr/tr/politika/mhp-genel-baskani-bahceli-cumhurbaskanimiz-recep-tayyip-erdoganin-etrafinda-tek-yumruk-olalim/2788063  Photograph of the Incident: Hate Speech Analysis Transcription of hate speech statement: “The Swedish government’s reaction to this grave provocation [referring to the terrorist organization PKK➜