Hate speech and hate crimes targeting the Gulen movement and its members in Turkey and around the world are being monitored not only by observing and tracking systematically but also analysing them in reports of related cases.


What is Hate Speech?

Hate speech refers to any form of communication, whether spoken, written, or behavioral, that uses derogatory or discriminatory language to target individuals or groups based on their religion, ethnicity, nationality, race, gender, or other identity factors. It promotes intolerance, generates hatred, and can be demeaning and divisive.

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What is Hate Crime?

Hate crime is a criminal act motivated by bias or prejudice towards particular group of people.
Hate crime has two main components:
The first one is a criminal offense. The second one is bias motivation.

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Hate Monitoring Records

Datas, statistics and analytics…


Who are We?

Hatemonitoring is one of the Solidarity with OTHERS’s project. Solidarity with OTHERS is a non-governmental organization established in Brussels with the aim of defending and promoting human rights in Turkey and elsewhere. Solidarity with OTHERS team mainly consists of political exiles from Turkey along with European citizens who have joined in as founders, employees or volunteers.

Do you want to report a violation?

You can report a hate speech or hate crime against the Gulen movement by filling out the form.

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