İbrahim Karagül’s Twitter Post

Incident Information 

Date of Incident: March 6th, 2023

Location of Incident: Turkey

Identifying information of Perpetrator: Ibrahim Karagül, Journalist, editor-in-chief of the pro-government Yenişafak newspaper

Source: https://twitter.com/ibrahimkaragul/status/1632757051884466178 

Hate Speech Analysis

Transcription of hate speech statement: “FETÖ” wanted Ekrem to run for President. Akşener imposed Ekrem. Kılıçdaroğlu did not accept. ”FETÖ” created the crisis and blackmailed him. But no result was achieved. ”FETÖ” took a step back. He agreed to Ekrem’s vice presidency. And the table was set again!”

Target group(s) of hate speech: The hate speech targets those who are alleged to be members of the Gülen movement.

Analysis of the hate speech statement: The statement by İbrahim Karagül is a clear example of hate speech directed at the Gülen movement. The use of the term “FETÖ,” which is an acronym that refers to the “Fethullahist Terrorist Organization,” is a term that the Turkish government uses to refer to the Gülen movement, indicating a clear bias against this group. The statement suggests that the Gülen movement is behind the political crisis in Turkey and implies that they use blackmail and manipulation to achieve their goals.

Contextual information: The statement was made in the context of the upcoming elections in Turkey, where the opposition parties have formed a coalition against the ruling party. The Gülen movement has been a frequent target of the Turkish government’s crackdown on opposition groups, with thousands of alleged members of the movement being arrested, fired from their jobs, and subjected to other forms of persecution.

Impact of the statement: The statement by İbrahim Karagül promotes hate and prejudice against the Gülen movement, which can lead to further discrimination and persecution against its members. It also undermines the credibility of opposition parties by suggesting that they are influenced or controlled by the Gülen movement.

Responses to the statement: There has been no official response to the statement by İbrahim Karagül, but it has been criticized on social media for promoting hate and prejudice.


The statement by İbrahim Karagül is a clear example of hate speech directed at the Gülen movement. Hate speech is harmful and promotes prejudice and discrimination, and there is no justification for it.