İbrahim Karagül’s Twitter Post

Incident Information 

Date of Incident: January 15th, 2023

Location of Incident: Turkey

Identifying information of Perpetrator: Ibrahim Karagül, Journalist

Source: https://twitter.com/ibrahimkaragul/status/1614688074344337408, https://www.trhaber.com/gundem/fren-ali-ile-michael-rubin-ayni-haritada-bulustu-turk-siha-larindan-h83594.html 

Photograph of the Incident:

Hate Speech Analysis

Transcription of hate speech statement: “Michael Rubin is a notorious enemy who works with the Israeli far right and ”FETÖ” and calls for a coup in Turkey. Rubin speaks, Ali Babacan repeats.” 

Target group(s) of hate speech: Michael Rubin, The Gulen Movement, and Ali Babacan

Analysis of the hate speech statement: The statement suggests that Michael Rubin is an enemy of Turkey, who works with the Israeli far right and the Gulen Movement, which the Turkish government has designated as a terrorist group. The statement also implies that Rubin is involved in plotting a coup in Turkey. The statement also implies that Ali Babacan is repeating the same views and opinions of Michael Rubin. The statement also implies that the Gulen Movement is a terrorist group and Michael Rubin is working with it. The statement also implies that Ali Babacan is repeating the views and opinions of Michael Rubin, who is considered as an enemy. These implications and accusations without providing any evidence can be considered as hate speech.

Contextual information: The article and Twitter post are discussing the criticism of a Turkish UCAV by Ali Babacan, the founder of the DEVA Party, and statements made by Michael Rubin about how Turkish UCAVs undermine American interests. The article also claims that Rubin is one of the mentors of the Gulen Movement. The article also claims that Babacan is accusing the manufacturers of Bayraktar TB2, the most preferred UCAV in the world, of ‘creating unfair competition’ and ‘using state resources to the fullest’.

Impact of the statement: The statement may contribute to negative perceptions of Michael Rubin, the Gulen Movement and its members, as well as Ali Babacan, by implying that they are enemies of Turkey, involved in plotting a coup, and that Ali Babacan is repeating the same views and opinions of Michael Rubin. This hate speech statement can cause division and mistrust between different groups in society.


The statement made by journalist Ibrahim Karagül implies that Michael Rubin is an enemy of Turkey, who works with the Israeli far right and the Gulen Movement, which the Turkish government has designated as a terrorist group. The statement also implies that Rubin is involved in plotting a coup in Turkey. The statement also implies that Ali Babacan is repeating the same views and opinions of Michael Rubin. These implications and accusations without providing any evidence can be considered as hate speech that may contribute to negative perceptions of Michael Rubin, the Gulen Movement and its members, as well as Ali Babacan and cause division and mistrust between different groups in society.