Tag Archives: nefretsuçu

Social Security Institution

INFORMATION OF INCIDENT ANALYSIS OF HATE CRIME Ramazan Çınkır, who was dismissed by a state of emergency decree in Adana, has not been given his cancer medication for months. –     EVALUATION OF THE CASE UNDER THE TURKISH PENAL CODE According to article 122[1] of Turkish Penal Code, anyone who prevents a person from benefiting from➜

Erzurum Köprüköy District Governorship

INFORMATION OF INCIDENT ANALYSIS OF HATE CRIME Erzurum Köprüköy District Governorship has announced an office worker for the Social Assistance and Solidarity Foundation. In the special conditions section of the job posting, it is stated that graduates of universities closed down by the state of emergency decree cannot apply. –     EVALUATION OF THE CASE UNDER➜

Ministry of Health

INFORMATION OF INCIDENT ANALYSIS OF HATE CRIME Mr. Mehmet, a doctor was dismissed by a decree-law KHK who passed the December 2017 Workplace Medicine Exam and was entitled to receive a certificate, was not given his certificate. –     EVALUATION OF THE CASE UNDER THE TURKISH PENAL CODE According to article 122[1] of Turkish Penal Code,➜

Ankara University

INFORMATION OF INCIDENT –        Date : 10 August 2017 (Date of notification) –        Location : Ankara/ TÜRKİYE –        Perpetrator : Ankara University –        Victim : C.Y. –        Source :  https://m.bianet.org/biamag/insan-haklari/189017-bana-taktilarsa-yonetmelige-cenk-yigiter-ler-bu-kampuse-giremez-yazsinlar ANALYSIS OF HATE CRIME –        FACTS C.Y,➜

Akif Çağatay Kılıç, Minister of Youth and Sports

INFORMATION OF INCIDENT –        Date : 7 September 2016 (Date of notification) –        Location : Ankara/ TÜRKİYE –        Perpetrator : Akif Çağatay Kılıç, Minister of Youth and Sports –        Victim : Due to the fact that there are many victims of the incident➜

Municipality of Düzce

INFORMATION OF INCIDENT ANALYSIS OF HATE CRIME The licenses of 29 workplaces operated in accordance with the legislation were revoked by Municipality of Düzce, citing the state of emergency measures. –     EVALUATION OF THE CASE UNDER THE TURKISH PENAL CODE According to article 122[1] of Turkish Penal Code, anyone who prevents a person to perform➜