Tag Archives: nefret

Council of Higer Education

INFORMATION OF INCIDENT ANALYSIS OF HATE CRIME At Atılım University, a student who was dismissed with a state of emergency decree wanted to pay his spring semester fee. However, while trying to pay, he learned that he would not be able to benefit from the discounts with a warning sign on the screen: “Except for➜

Notaries Union of Türkiye

INFORMATION OF INCIDENT –        Date : January 9, 2020 (Date of notification) –        Location : Ankara/ TÜRKİYE –        Perpetrator : Notaries Union of Türkiye –        Victim : N.E. –        Source :  https://www.indyturk.com/node/115186/haber/aracını-satmak-istedi-noterde-sürprizle-karşılaştı-sakıncalı-listesinde-olduğu ANALYSIS OF HATE CRIME –       ➜

Council of Higher Education

INFORMATION OF INCIDENT ANALYSIS OF HATE CRIME Onur Erden, a doctor who was dismissed from the public sector by a decree law (KHK), took the TUS (Medical Specialty Examination) to complete his specialty training at a foundation university, but his application was not evaluated on the grounds that he was dismissed by KHK . –   ➜

Municipality of Anamur

INFORMATION OF INCIDENT ANALYSIS OF HATE CRIME Ramazan Tekin’s cafe in Anamur, Mersin was closed down by Anamur Municipality on the grounds that he was dismissed by a decree law-KHK. –     EVALUATION OF THE CASE UNDER THE TURKISH PENAL CODE According to article 122[1] of Turkish Penal Code, anyone who prevents a person to perform➜

Ministry of Environment and Urbanization

INFORMATION OF INCIDENT ANALYSIS OF HATE CRIME According to a practice by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, engineers and architects were dismissed by a decree-law KHK who are registered in the National Building Inspection System within the Ministry are prevented from working in building inspection companies under various qualifications such as “Project and Implementation➜