Category Archives: Hate Speech

Nedim Şener’s Article

Incident Information  Date of Incident: January 16th, 2023 Location of Incident: Turkey Identifying information of Perpetrator: Nedim Sener, journalist Source:  Hate Speech Analysis Transcription of hate speech statement: “The stones are slowly falling into place: At a press conference held at the Grand National Assembly of Turkey on 28-29-30 September 2022, Özgür Özel of➜

İbrahim Karagül’s Twitter Post

Incident Information  Date of Incident: January 15th, 2023 Location of Incident: Turkey Identifying information of Perpetrator: Ibrahim Karagül, Journalist Source:,  Photograph of the Incident: Hate Speech Analysis Transcription of hate speech statement: “Michael Rubin is a notorious enemy who works with the Israeli far right and ”FETÖ” and calls for a coup in➜

Devlet Bahçeli’s Statement

Incident Information  Date of Incident: January 15th, 2023 Location of Incident: Kızılcahamam, Turkey Identifying information of Perpetrator: Devlet Bahçeli, Chairman of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) (Turkey) Source:  Photograph of the Incident: Hate Speech Analysis Transcription of hate speech statement: “The Swedish government’s reaction to this grave provocation [referring to the terrorist organization PKK➜

İbrahim Karagül’ün Twitter Paylaşımı

Olay Bilgileri  Olay Tarihi: 15 Ocak 2023 Olayın Yeri:Türkiye Failin kimlik bilgileri: İbrahim Karagül, Gazeteci Kaynak:,  Olayın Fotoğrafı: Nefret Söylemi Analizi Nefret söylemi beyanının transkripsiyonu:“Michael Rubin, İsrail aşırı sağı ve FETÖ ile çalışan ve Türkiye’de darbe çağrısı yapan azılı bir düşmandır. Rubin konuşuyor, Ali Babacan tekrarlıyor.”  Nefret söyleminin hedef grubu/grupları:Michael Rubin, Gülen Hareketi ve Ali➜

Devlet Bahçeli’s Statement

Incident Information  Date of Incident: January 15th, 2023 Location of Incident: Kızılcahamam, Turkey Identifying information of Perpetrator: Devlet Bahçeli, Chairman of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) (Turkey) Source:  Photograph of the Incident: Hate Speech Analysis Transcription of hate speech statement: “The Swedish government’s reaction to this grave provocation [referring to the terrorist organization PKK➜

Bekir Bozdağ’s Statement

Incident Information  Date of Incident: January 11, 2023 Location of Incident: Ankara, Turkey Identifying information of Perpetrator: Bekir Bozdağ, Minister of Justice Source:  Hate Speech Analysis Transcription of hate speech statement: “Minister Bozdağ provided information on the finalised Fetullah Terrorist Organisation (FETO) trials. Bozdağ stated that 8 thousand 725 people were tried in 289➜

Twitter Post of Ümit Özdağ

Incident Information  Date of Incident: January 8, 2023 Location of Incident: Turkey Identifying information of Perpetrator: Ümit Özdağ, Chairman of Zafer Party Source: Hate Speech Analysis Transcription of hate speech statement: “Zekeriya FETO scoundrel, Turcophobic murderer. We know who you / FETO scoundrel spies are working for. You are a member of the last➜

Süleyman Soylu’s Statement

Incident Information  Date of Incident: January 6, 2023 Location of Incident: Turkey Identifying information of Perpetrator: Süleyman Soylu, Minister of Interior Source:  Hate Speech Analysis Transcription of hate speech statement: “Our problem is not to appoint trustees. Our problem is to do our job, if you put a terrorist element there, to purify it➜


Incident Information Date of Incident: February 6, 2022 Location of Incident: Turkey Identifying information of Perpetrator(s) Fuat Oktay, Vice President of Republic of Turkey Source: Hate Speech Analysis Transcription of the hate speech statement: “Why do they say that they will return KHKlılar (those who were dismissed from their professions by decree law) back➜


Incident Information Date of Incident: July 15, 2021 Location of Incident: Turkey Identifying information of Perpetrator(s) Cem Küçük, Journalist Source: Hate Speech Analysis Transcription of the hate speech statement: Let’s remember once again: Every Fetullah supporter is a ‘’terrorist’’. (Bir kez daha hatırlayalım: Her Fetullahçı ‘’teröristtir’’.)’’ Target group(s) of the hate speech: The hate➜