Category Archives: Hate Speech

Aydın Ünal’s Statement

Incident Information  Date of Incident: July 10, 2023 Location of Incident: Turkey Identifying information of Perpetrator(s) Aydın Ünal, Journalist Source: Hate Speech Analysis Transcription of the hate speech statement: ” Üyeler ve ailelerinden oluşan, sayıları azımsanmayacak bir kitle oluştu. İşlerini kaybettikleri ya da hapis yattıkları için tüm aileleriyle birlikte devlete muhalif olan bu kitle,➜

Twitter Post of Orhan Aydın

Incident Information  Date of Incident: January 7, 2023 Location of Incident: Edirne, Turkey Identifying information of Perpetrator: Orhan Aydın (@hallederiztamam and @FetoGercekleri) Source:,  Hate Speech Analysis Transcription of hate speech statement: “In Edirne, the driver of a car carrying police officers dismissed from FETÖ did not obey the police’s “Stop!” warning and opened➜

Burak Bekiroglu’s Statement

Incident Information  Date of Incident: July 1, 2023 Location of Incident: Turkey Identifying information of Perpetrator(s) Burak Bekiroglu, Lawyer Source: Hate Speech Analysis Transcription of the hate speech statement: ” Mali açıdan sıkıntıya giren FETÖ, örgüt mensuplarına finansal destek verebilmek için son 1 yıldır 160 ülkede uyuşturucu sevkiyatını organize ediyor. Kokainden, Eroine, Esrar’dan, Metamfetamin’e,➜

Oktan Erdikmen’s Statement

Incident Information  Date of Incident: June 22, 2023 Location of Incident: Germany Identifying information of Perpetrator(s) Oktan Erdikmen, Turkish-origin journalist Source:  Hate Speech Analysis Transcription of the hate speech statement: “Anayasayı Koruma Teşkilatı 2022 yılı raporunu yayınladı… Raporda Türkiye’nin de adı geçiyor. Türkiye, Rusya, Çin, İran ve Kuzey Kore ile birlikte Almanya’da casusluk faaliyeti➜

Tamer Korkmaz’s Statement

Incident Information  Date of Incident: June 14, 2023 Location of Incident: Turkey Identifying information of Perpetrator(s) Tamer Korkmaz, columnist for the pro-government Yeni Safak newspaper Source:  Hate Speech Analysis Transcription of the hate speech statement: “Fetullahist traitors like Akın İpek”, “Jemre Colonel (referring to Cemre Birand), who patronizes Fetullahist traitors and attempts to portray➜

Suat Bezeng’s Twitter Post

Incident Information  Date of Incident: June 14, 2023 Location of Incident: Belgium Identifying information of Perpetrator: Suat Bezeng, Editor-in-Chief of Aktif TV and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Aktif Media. Source:  Hate Speech Analysis Transcription of hate speech statement: “To whom did the Minister of Justice hand over the usurped powers of➜

Ahmet Hakan Coşkun’s Statement

Incident Information  Date of Incident: May 28, 2023 Location of Incident: Turkey Identifying information of Perpetrator(s) Ahmet Hakan Coşkun, a pro-government journalist Source: Twitter post by user @KarasoyMurad  (  Hate Speech Analysis Transcription of the hate speech statement: ” There is a group of people who were defeated with terrible humiliation. That’s those FETÖ rats.➜

Hasan Sami Özvarinli’s Statement

Incident Information  Date of Incident: April 19, 2023 Location of Incident: Turkey Identifying information of Perpetrator(s) Hasan Sami Özvarinli, former advisor to Meral Akşener and Sabah Daily, pro-government newspaper. Source:  Hate Speech Analysis Transcription of the hate speech statement: ” “FETÖ statement by Meral Akşener’s former advisor Hasan Sami Özvarinli: You cannot enter Akşener’s➜

Aytun Çıray’s Twitter Post

Incident Information  Date of Incident: April 11, 2023 Location of Incident: Turkey Identifying information of Perpetrator: Aytun Çıray, a Member of Parliament (MP) from the IYI Party in Izmir, Turkey. Source:  Hate Speech Analysis Transcription of hate speech statement: “The ”FETÖ” elements that the AKP had planted in the TSK, the Police and the➜

İsmail Saymaz’s Column

Incident Information  Date of Incident: March 27th, 2023 Location of Incident: Turkey Identifying information of Perpetrator: İsmail Saymaz, Journalist,  Source: Hate Speech Analysis Transcription of hate speech statement: “Whoever bends and twists the law and uses it as a weapon against the opposition, there is bound to be a family member or relative linked➜