Incident Information Date of Incident: December 17, 2023 Location of Incident: Turkey Identifying information of Perpetrator(s) Yılmaz Tunç, Minister of Justice of the Republic of Turkey Source: Hate Speech Analysis Transcription of the hate speech statement: ” December 17-25 was a treacherous coup attempt targeting the government and the national will by members of➜
Tag Archives: hate
Incident Information Date of Incident: December 16, 2023 Location of Incident: Turkey Identifying information of Perpetrator(s) Özgecan Sarma, Lawyer-Academic Source: Hate Speech Analysis Transcription of the hate speech statement: ” If a person has the Bylock application on her phone, it cannot even be argued that he/she is a FETO member.. (Bir insanın➜
Incident Information Date of Incident: December 15, 2023 Location of Incident: Turkey Identifying information of Perpetrator(s) İbrahim Karagül, Journalist Source: Hate Speech Analysis Transcription of the hate speech statement: ” Ugur Mumcu was killed by the Mossad. ‘’FETÖ’’ members provided logistical support. Israel-‘’FETÖ’’-PKK was the same front then and today. (Uğur Mumcu’yu Mossad➜
Incident Information Date of Incident: September 13, 2023 Location of Incident: Germany Identifying information of Perpetrator(s) Instagram user Source: Hate Speech Analysis Transcription of the hate speech statement: “Fetöcü.” (Fetöist -by targeting Kuzzat Altay.)’’ Target group(s) of the hate speech: The hate speech in this statement is directed against Kuzzat Altay allegedly and members➜
Incident Information Date of Incident: September 13, 2023 Location of Incident: Turkey Identifying information of Perpetrator(s) Yüksel Kocaman, Member of Supreme Court Source: Hate Speech Analysis Transcription of the hate speech statement: “Ben FETÖ ile mücadele ettim.” (I fought with FETÖ.)’’ Target group(s) of the hate speech: The hate speech in this statement is➜
Incident Information Date of Incident: September 13, 2023 Location of Incident: Turkey Identifying information of Perpetrator(s) Ayhan Bora Kaplan, Gang Lord Source: Hate Speech Analysis Transcription of the hate speech statement: “FETÖ’cü olduğunu ve bana iftira attığını düşünüyorum” (I think he is a member of FETO and slandered me.)’’ Target group(s) of the hate speech:➜
Incident Information Date of Incident: September 3, 2023 Location of Incident: Turkey Identifying information of Perpetrator(s) Mehmet Perinçek, Researcher Source: Hate Speech Analysis Transcription of the hate speech statement: “Umarov’un FETÖ bağlantıları için bkz.” (For Umarov’s FETO connections, see:)’’ Target group(s) of the hate speech: The hate speech in this statement is directed against➜
Incident Information Date of Incident: August 31, 2023 Location of Incident: Turkey Identifying information of Perpetrator(s) Orhan Aydın, Pro-Gov Journalist Source: Hate Speech Analysis Transcription of the hate speech statement: “Necdet Çelik teröristtir. Necdet Çelik’in dahil olduğu FETÖ’de bir terör organizasyonudur.” (Necdet Çelik is a terrorist. FETÖ, to which Necdet Çelik affiliate, is also➜
Incident Information Date of Incident: August 24, 2023 Location of Incident: Turkey Identifying information of Perpetrator(s) İlber Ortaylı, Professor of History Source: Hate Speech Analysis Transcription of the hate speech statement: “Sınıfımda 8-10 FETÖ öğrencisi vardı. Sınavda kopya çekerek fakülteye girdiler.” (There were 8-10 FETÖ students in my class. They entered to faculty by➜
INFORMATION OF INCIDENT ANALYSIS OF HATE CRIME Ankara University faculty member Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kemal Coşkun, who was dismissed with a state of emergency decree-KHK and reinstated after a court ruling, was not given a room by the faculty administration on the ground that his perceived affiliation to Gulen movement. – EVALUATION OF➜