Tag Archives: feto

Yenimahalle District Job Placement Agency (İŞKUR)

INFORMATION OF INCIDENT ANALYSIS OF HATE CRIME Yenimahalle district branch of İŞKUR rejected the job application of an earthquake survivor who was dismissed with a state of emergency decree on the grounds that he was “dismissed with a state of emergency decree”. –     EVALUATION OF THE CASE UNDER THE TURKISH PENAL CODE According to article➜

Metin Külünk’s Statement

Incident Information Date of Incident: August 12, 2023 Location of Incident: Turkey Identifying information of Perpetrator(s) Metin Külünk , MP of AKP Source: https://twitter.com/mkulunk/status/1690427555793281025 Hate Speech Analysis Transcription of the hate speech statement: “..”FETÖ” üyeliğinden 18 yıl hapis istemiyle yargılanan ÖSYM Eski Başkanı Ali Demir’in, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi’nde ‘akademisyenlik’ yapmaya devam ettiği ortaya çıktı. ”➜

Mustafa Kemal Çiçek’s Statement

Incident Information Date of Incident: August 6, 2023 Location of Incident: Turkey Identifying information of Perpetrator(s) Mustafa Kemal Çiçek , Jurist Source: https://twitter.com/kemalcicek06/status/1688145428057886720   Hate Speech Analysis Transcription of the hate speech statement: ” Çoğunun FETÖ irtibatlı hainler olduğuna kalıbımı basarım! ” (I am convinced that most of them are traitors with FETÖ affiliation!)’’ Target➜


Incident Information Date of Incident: August 6, 2023 Location of Incident: Turkey Identifying information of Perpetrator(s) Muhammed Tayyar Türkeş, Chairman of the Executive Board of Sancaktar Holding Source: https://twitter.com/tayyarturkes/status/1688241597371084805    Hate Speech Analysis Transcription of the hate speech statement: ‘The fight against these traitors must continue until the last “#fetö’’ member” dies! (’Son ‘’#fetöcü’’ ölene➜

Ali Yerlikaya’s Statement

Incident Information Date of Incident: August 31, 2023 Location of Incident: Turkey Identifying information of Perpetrator(s) Ali Yerlikaya, Minister of The Interior Source: https://twitter.com/aliyerlikaya/status/1697249058216460515 Hate Speech Analysis Transcription of the hate speech statement: “FETÖ” üyelerine göz açtırmayacağız.” (We won’t give a chance to recovery to ”FETÖ” members.)’’ Target group(s) of the hate speech: The hate➜

Erol Özvar’s Letter

Incident Information Date of Incident: August 31, 2023 Location of Incident: Turkey Identifying information of Perpetrator(s) Erol Özvar, President of The Counsil of Higher Education Source: https://www.aydinlik.com.tr/haber/yok-baskani-erol-ozvardan-rektorlere-feto-mektubu-415041 Hate Speech Analysis Transcription of the hate speech statement: “FETÖ, PKK ve sair terör örgütlerinin, öğrencilerin barınma hususundaki ihtiyaçlarını…” (FETO, PKK and other terrorist organizations meet the needs➜

Yeni Şafak’s News

Incident Information Date of Incident: July 29, 2023 Location of Incident: Turkey Identifying information of Perpetrator(s) Yeni Şafak, Pro-government Newspaper Source: https://twitter.com/Av_OsmanZerey/status/1685660506793598976/photo/1 Hate Speech Analysis Transcription of the hate speech statement: ” Esenyurt’ta iki kişinin öldürüldüğü tekel bayiindeki silahlı saldırının şüphelilerinden T.Ö’nün, terör örgütü PKK ve ”’FETÖ” sempatizanı olduğu ortaya çıktı . ” (Translation: It➜

Şamil Tayyar’s Statement

Incident Information Date of Incident: July 29, 2023 Location of Incident: Turkey Identifying information of Perpetrator(s) Şamil Tayyar, Journalist and MP of AKP Source: https://twitter.com/samiltayyar27/status/1685268388388495361?s=48&t=llHKLf0oUgkMD_SgN7RCyg Hate Speech Analysis Transcription of the hate speech statement: “FETÖ” mücadelesindeki eksiklikleri… karşımda tam bir şerefsiz ”FETÖ’cü” var . ” (The shortcomings in the fight against ”FETÖ”… there is a➜

Mehmet Demir’s Twitter Post

Incident Information Date of Incident: July 29, 2023 Location of Incident: Turkey Identifying information of Perpetrator(s) Mehmet Demir, Prosecutor Source: https://twitter.com/mehmetdemirtr/status/1685241928361664512?t=qvdGCltQCCBm20WUkaOhNw&s=08 Hate Speech Analysis Transcription of the hate speech statement: ” Geride hâlâ kamuda 250 bin fetöcü var. Devletimiz uyanık olsun. Mücadeleyi asla gevşetmesin. Tehlike devam ediyor. ” (Translation: There are still 250,000 Fetö members➜

Ali Yerlikaya’s Statement

Incident Information Date of Incident: July 27, 2023 Location of Incident: Turkey Identifying information of Perpetrator(s) Ali Yerlikaya, Minister of The Interior Source: https://twitter.com/AliYerlikaya/status/1684482001946959872?t=PgI9GLPmZit7lvloToxXFw&s=08    Hate Speech Analysis Transcription of the hate speech statement: ” Fetö ile mücadelemiz kararlılıkla devam edecek. ” (Translation: Our fight against Fetö will continue with determination.)’’ Target group(s) of the➜