Tag Archives: feto

Land Registry Office

INFORMATION OF INCIDENT ANALYSIS OF HATE CRIME When F.K., who was dismissed from his job with the Decree Law, went to the land registry to sell his house, he could not sell his house on the grounds that “there is a risk in your title deed”. –     EVALUATION OF THE CASE UNDER THE TURKISH PENAL➜

Chambers of Certified Public Accountants and Sworn-in Certified Public Accountants of Turkey (TÜRMOB)

INFORMATION OF INCIDENT ANALYSIS OF HATE CRIME A citizen who was dismissed by a decree law who wanted to take the exam for internship could not take the exam because the application commitment of the 1st term certified public accountancy exam to be held by TÜRMOB in Ankara included the condition of not being dismissed➜

Notaries Union of Türkiye

INFORMATION OF INCIDENT –        Date : January 9, 2020 (Date of notification) –        Location : Ankara/ TÜRKİYE –        Perpetrator : Notaries Union of Türkiye –        Victim : N.E. –        Source :  https://www.indyturk.com/node/115186/haber/aracını-satmak-istedi-noterde-sürprizle-karşılaştı-sakıncalı-listesinde-olduğu ANALYSIS OF HATE CRIME –       ➜


INFORMATION OF INCIDENT –        Date : 31 December, 2019 (Date of notification) –        Location : Gaziantep/ TÜRKİYE –        Perpetrator : Vakifbank –        Victim : S.U. –        Source :  https://www.gazeteduvar.com.tr/gundem/2019/12/31/khkliye-banka-havalesi-de-yasak ANALYSIS OF HATE CRIME –        FACTS S.U. received➜

Merkezefendi Social Assistance Provincial Center

INFORMATION OF INCIDENT ANALYSIS OF HATE CRIME The application of C.A., who was dismissed by the Decree Law, for home care assistance for her five-and-a-half-year-old autistic child was rejected by the Merkezefendi Social Assistance Provincial Center.               –     EVALUATION OF THE CASE UNDER THE TURKISH PENAL CODE According to article 122[1] of Turkish Penal Code,➜

General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre

INFORMATION OF INCIDENT –        Date : 23 November 2019 (Date of notification) –        Location : Ankara/ TÜRKİYE –        Perpetrator : General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre –        Victim : K.G. –        Source :  https://www.milligazete.com.tr/haber/3385588/khklilarin-miras-hakki-bile-yok ANALYSIS OF HATE CRIME – ➜

Social Security Institution

INFORMATION OF INCIDENT –        Date : 21 November 2019 (Date of notification) –        Location : Ankara/ TÜRKİYE –        Perpetrator : Social Security Institution (SSI) –        Victim : M.Y. –        Source :  https://www.boldmedya.com/2019/11/22/khklinin-emeklilik-ikramiyesi-zaferi/  ANALYSIS OF HATE CRIME –       ➜

Adana Chamber of Commerce Social Services and Education Foundation (ATOSEV)

INFORMATION OF INCIDENT ANALYSIS OF HATE CRIME ATOSEV, the Social Services and Education Foundation affiliated to Adana Chamber of Commerce, has added the condition of “not belonging to the Gülen movement” to the conditions for 2019-2020 student scholarship applications. –     EVALUATION OF THE CASE UNDER THE TURKISH PENAL CODE According to article 122[1] of Turkish➜

Trabzon Job Placement Agency (İŞKUR)

INFORMATION OF INCIDENT ANALYSIS OF HATE CRIME Trabzon branch of İŞKUR rejected the application of a person dismissed with a state of emergency decree, saying “We do not offer courses for those dismissed with a state of emergency decree”. –     EVALUATION OF THE CASE UNDER THE TURKISH PENAL CODE According to article 122[1] of Turkish➜

Governorship of Ankara

INFORMATION OF INCIDENT ANALYSIS OF HATE CRIME The “Great Gathering of People dismissed by decree law-KHK” planned in Ankara was banned by the Governorate. –     EVALUATION OF THE CASE UNDER THE TURKISH PENAL CODE According to article 122[1] of Turkish Penal Code, anyone who prevents a person from benefiting from a certain service provided to➜