Author Archives: kerem

Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services

INFORMATION OF INCIDENT –        Date : 19 April 2019 (News publication date) –        Location : Ankara/ TÜRKİYE –        Perpetrator : Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services –        Victim : A male and female couple who were dismissed from their profession with the➜

Supreme Electoral Council

INFORMATION OF INCIDENT ANALYSIS OF HATE CRIME The Supreme Electoral Council has announced that those who were dismissed from the public sector under a state of emergency decree and were elected as mayors on March 31 will not be given a mandate.  Mandates will be given to those who finished second in the election. –   ➜

Municipality of Anamur

INFORMATION OF INCIDENT ANALYSIS OF HATE CRIME Ramazan Tekin’s cafe in Anamur, Mersin was closed down by Anamur Municipality on the grounds that he was dismissed by a decree law-KHK. –     EVALUATION OF THE CASE UNDER THE TURKISH PENAL CODE According to article 122[1] of Turkish Penal Code, anyone who prevents a person to perform➜

Ankara Bar Association

INFORMATION OF INCIDENT –        Date : 12 December, 2018 –        Location : Ankara/ TÜRKİYE –        Perpetrator : Ankara Bar Association –        Victim : L.M –        Source : ANALYSIS OF HATE CRIME –        FACTS L.M., who was➜

Ministry of Education

INFORMATION OF INCIDENT ANALYSIS OF HATE CRIME The Ministry of National Education prevented teachers who were dismissed from their jobs by Decree Law from working in private educational institutions.               –     EVALUATION OF THE CASE UNDER THE TURKISH PENAL CODE According to article 122[1] of Turkish Penal Code, anyone who prevents a person from benefiting➜


Incident Information Date of Incident: SEPTEMBER 6, 2018 Location of Incident: Turkey Identifying information of Perpetrator(s) Doğu Perinçek, Leader of Vatan Party Source: Hate Speech Analysis Transcription of the hate speech statement: ”FETÖ”, we are the ones who gave that name. The name “FETÖ” was given by Vatan Party, Doğu Perinçek. The Turkish state➜

Ministry of Education

INFORMATION OF INCIDENT ANALYSIS OF HATE CRIME With the Decree Laws issued by the Ministry of Education during the State of Emergency, the private schools where 19 thousand 962 teachers worked were closed and their work permits were canceled due to their relationship with Gülen movement.               –     EVALUATION OF THE CASE UNDER THE TURKISH➜

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan

INFORMATION OF INCIDENT ANALYSIS OF HATE CRIME In 2018, the amnesty law, which entered into force with the signature of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, excluded those were dismissed by a decree-law KHK. –     EVALUATION OF THE CASE UNDER THE TURKISH PENAL CODE According to article 122[1] of Turkish Penal Code, anyone who prevents a person➜

Ministry of Environment and Urbanization

INFORMATION OF INCIDENT ANALYSIS OF HATE CRIME According to a practice by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, engineers and architects were dismissed by a decree-law KHK who are registered in the National Building Inspection System within the Ministry are prevented from working in building inspection companies under various qualifications such as “Project and Implementation➜

Social Security Institution

INFORMATION OF INCIDENT ANALYSIS OF HATE CRIME Ramazan Çınkır, who was dismissed by a state of emergency decree in Adana, has not been given his cancer medication for months. –     EVALUATION OF THE CASE UNDER THE TURKISH PENAL CODE According to article 122[1] of Turkish Penal Code, anyone who prevents a person from benefiting from➜