Undersecretariat of Treasury, General Directorate of Insurance




Many policyholders were not paid by insurance companies. In the cases that were the subject of the lawsuit, insurance companies defended themselves with the claim that “a circular was sent to the companies not to make payments to those subjected to the Decree of Emergency Decree”.             


According to article 122[1] of Turkish Penal Code, anyone who prevents a person from benefiting from a certain service provided to the public due to hatred arising from differences in language, race, nationality, color, gender, disability, political opinion, philosophical belief, religion or sect shall be sentenced to imprisonment from one year to three years.

In the case, many policyholders were not paid by insurance companies. In the cases that were the subject of the lawsuit, insurance companies defended themselves with the claim that “a circular was sent to the companies not to make payments to those subjected to the Decree of Emergency Decree”. The reason behind the institution’s intention for the victim’s insurance payment is the political opinion of the victim. As a matter of fact, the victims in the incident were dismissed by a decree issued for the dismissal of members of the Gülen movement or persons alleged to be members of the movement from public office.

In conclusion, in the case, there is a hate and discrimination crime committed by a public body.


According to the Office for Human Rights and Democratic Institutions (ODIHR)[2] of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), a hate crime is a criminal act motivated by bias against a group. Hate crimes comprise two elements: a criminal offence and a bias motivation.

In the case, many policyholders were not paid by insurance companies. In the cases that were the subject of the lawsuit, insurance companies defended themselves with the claim that “a circular was sent to the companies not to make payments to those subjected to the Decree of Emergency Decree”. According to the definition of hate crime made by the Office of Human Rights and Democratic Institutions, the incident is a crime of discrimination committed with the motivation of hatred due to the victim’s affiliation with the Gülen movement.


What is a Decree Law (KHK)?

On July 20, 2016, a State of Emergency (OHAL) was declared across Turkey. Under the State of Emergency, the government was authorized to issue emergency decrees.

The Justice and Development Party (AKP), led by President Erdoğan, accused the Gülen movement of instigating the alleged failed coup on July 15, 2016, and all these ordinary and extraordinary decrees were part of a broader hate campaign against the Gülen movement.

After July 2016, the government fired more than a hundred thousand people associated with the Gülen movement. Thousands of educational institutions were closed, more than a hundred media outlets were shut down and journalists arrested. More than a hundred people have died under torture. Dozens of people were kidnapped at home and abroad.

[1] ARTICLE 122-(1) Any person who makes discrimination between individuals because of their racial, lingual,

religious, sexual, political, philosophical belief or opinion, or for being supporters of different sects and therefore;

a) Prevents sale, transfer of movable or immovable property, or performance of a service, or benefiting from a

service, or bounds employment or unemployment of a person to above listed reasons,

b) Refuses to deliver nutriments or to render a public service,

c) Prevents a person to perform an ordinary economical activity,

is sentenced to imprisonment from six months to one year or imposed punitive fine.

[2] https://hatecrime.osce.org/